فهرست مطالب فصل 11 Summary substitution

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فصل 11: Relative clauses Summary substitution - examples group d)
The groups are according to the overview.

  d1) as indirect object - thing / animal
Le chien auquel j' ai donné un os s' appelle Max.
    The dog to which I have given a bone is called Max.
  Les chiens auxquels j'ai donné des os étaient tous noirs.
    The dogs to which I have given bones were all black.
  C' est le travail auquel il se consacre depuis bientôt dix ans.
    This is the work to which he is dedicated already for ten years.

  d2) as indirect object - person
Le garçon auquel j' ai donné l' argent a disparu tout d' un coup.
    The boy to whom I have given money has suddenly disappeared.
  Les filles auxquelles j' ai donné l' argent ont disparu tout d' un coup.
    The girls to whom I have given money have suddenly disappeared.

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