فهرست مطالب فصل 11 Summary substitution

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فصل 11: Relative clauses Summary substitution - examples group b)
The groups are according to the overview.

  b1) as subject of the relative clause - things / animal
C' est un chien qui mange beaucoup.
    This is a dog which eats much.
  J' ai reconstruit ma maison qui a été détruite par le tremblement de terre.
    I have rebuilt my house, which was destroyed by an earthquake.

  b2) as subject of the relative clause - person
C' est quelqu' un qui ne sait pas ce qu' il veut.
    This is someone who does not know what he wants.
  La femme qui se trouve devant le magasin est ma mère.
    The woman who stands in front of the shop is my mother.

  b3) as subject of the relative clause - context
Il est entré sans rien dire, ce qui m' a vraiment faché.
    He has entered without saying a word, what really annoyed me.
  Nous avons cru qu' il avait dit la vérité, ce qui n' était pas vrai.
    We have believed that he has told the truth, what was not true.
Il fait un voyage en Italie, ce qui correspond à ses désirs.
    He made a trip to Italy, what corresponds his wishes.

  b4) as subject of the relative clause - ce, quelque chose, la seule chose, tout, rien
Il n' a rien qui puisse m' intéresser.
    He has nothing that could interest me.
  Il prend tout ce qui est gratuit, bien qu' il n' en ait pas besoin.
    He takes everything that is free, even if he does not need it.
C' est la seule chose qui lui fait plaisir.
    This is the only thing that he enjoys.

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