Bon allez, Morgane, on joue au football? =
Let' s go, Morgane, let' s play football?
on in the sense of we On = impersonal (unknnown) subject
Je ne sais pas jouer =
I don' t know, how to play that
ne...pas simple negation with ne ... pas
Mais c`est très simple, regarde =
that' s very simple
Qu` est-ce que tu fais? =
What are you doing?
Questions with que / qui est-ce que / qui see qui / que and the est-ce que forms
Je te la passe =
I pass it to you
Et qu`est-ce que je fais? =
And what I do?
Je vais au goal =
I go in the goal
Au goal? Je tire = In the goal? He shoot the ball
Tu essaies de marquer =
You try to hit
ça, c`est un arrêt. Retire =
This is a corner. Shoot again
Je cours loin de la balle =
I take a run-up to the ball
Et après, tu tires =
Than you shoot
Ouais! But! =
Yes! Goal!